How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser

Imagine cookies as tiny text files that websites keep on your computer or phone. These files store things like your browser choices, such as login details and shopping cart contents.

There are a couple of good reasons to get rid of cookies. For instance, you might want to do this if you care a lot about your privacy, or if a website is giving you some problems.

This post will show you step-by-step how to clear cookies on Vivaldi both for the computer and mobile phone browser.

Quick Answer

To clear cookies on Vivaldi, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Del (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + Del (Mac). On the Delete Browsing Data dialogue that pops up, choose the time range you want to delete your cookies, check the cookies checkbox then hit the delete button. Your cookies will be cleared.
However, keep in mind that clearing your cookies will delete your saved login information, language settings, and shopping cart contents, etc.

In this post, you will find more information on how to clear the Vivaldi cache for individual sites and for mobile devices.

So let’s get started.

How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser

  1. Open Vivaldi.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + Del on your Keyboard to open the Delete Browsing Data dialog.
    Alternatively, you can press the Vivaldi logo Vivaldi logo How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browserat the top right corner of the browser, then hover over on Tools, and then select the Delete Browsing Data option.
    access the Delete Browsing Data dialogue How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser
  3. In the Delete Browsing Data dialog box, select the Cookies checkbox.
    vivaldi jUVjMCa2qA How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser
    You can also select other types of data to delete, such as cachebrowsing history, and passwords.
  4. Optionally, you can choose the time range for which you want to clear the cookies using the drop-down menu at the top.
    vivaldi Delete Data for dropdown menu How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser
  5. Hit the Delete button at the bottom.
    delete vivaldi history button How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser

How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser for Specific Site

Here’s how you clear cookies for a specific site:

  1. Click the Site Info icon just behind the website address.
    site info icon 1 How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser
  2. Then Click on Site settings.
    select site settings How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser
    This will open a new Settings tab
  3. Under Usage, you can see the number of cookies the site is using and the size they are taking on your computer. To clear the cookies, click the Clear Data button on the right.
    How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser
  4. On the next confirmation dialogue, click on Clear
    clear site data How To Clear Cookies on Vivaldi Browser

What To Expect After You Clear Cookies on Vivaldi?

  1. Signed-Out Sessions: Clearing cookies typically signs you out of websites where you were previously logged in. This means you’ll need to log in again when you revisit those websites.
  2. Loss of Website Preferences: Cookies are often used to store website preferences, such as language settings, theme preferences, or customizations. After clearing cookies, you may need to reset these preferences.
  3. Empty Shopping Carts: If you were shopping online and had items in your shopping cart, clearing cookies may empty your cart.
  4. Ad Personalization Reset: Advertisers use cookies to track your online behavior and show you personalized ads. Clearing cookies will reset this tracking, and you may see less targeted ads until new cookies are created.
  5. Improved Privacy: Clearing cookies enhances your privacy by erasing data that websites use to track your online activity. It can help prevent websites and advertisers from building a comprehensive profile of your behavior.


And that was how to clear the cookies on Vivaldi, both for every site you’ve ever visited and for a specific site. I hope it helped you! Let me know in the comments if you encountered any problems.

Stephen Mori
Stephen Mori

I'm fascinated with browsers & Internet security! 🤩
At BrowseAcademy, I mostly share tips, tricks and opinions about the internet and how we can make it a better place to obtain knowledge, meet new people, and have fun.
I cover everything you need to know about browsers and related stuff. This includes how-to guides, browser features, browser comparisons, etc.

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